The Story Bridge illuminated in the rainbow pride colours. Image: David Crocombe Photography, licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

Iconic Bridges Illuminated in Pride colours

By Beau
Beau is the founder of Apollo Social. He recently relocated to Melbourne with his husband and has begun a love affair with the city.
The Story and Victoria bridges were lit up with the colours of the pride flag on Saturday night in support of LGBT+ issues during Brisbane Pride.

Residents and visitors to Brisbane CBD will have noticed two iconic bridges illuminated in the rainbow pride colours on Saturday night. The special display was organised by Brisbane Pride festival to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the annual event.

The event sends a message of acceptance and support to the LGBT+ community and is refreshing considering that as recently as 2014, Brisbane city council would not approve the raising of the rainbow pride flag over city hall to commemorate the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHOT). They have since softened their stance and proudly fly the rainbow flag for events of significance to the LGBT+ community.