Dance like no one's watching. Image: Anthony Mooney / Shutterstock

For the Thrill of Dancing

By Beau
Beau is the founder of Apollo Social. He recently relocated to Melbourne with his husband and has begun a love affair with the city.
Sydneysider Gary Nunn gives us a taste of something we’ve all been missing during lockdown - the hedonistic, primal experience of hitting the dancefloor at the gay club.

The gay bar was an endangered species even before the pandemic shuttered all nightlife and sentenced us to two years on the couch to Netflix and chill. Now that our vaccinated cities are opening up again, we can once again return to queer spaces to tear up the dancefloor.

Gary Nunn talks us through his glorious return to ARQ Sydney post-lockdown. He claims that pubs and cocktail bars are only ever a warm up act and it is the dancefloor that provides the location for the main act - the most primal and human experience of dancing.  But his night out is tinged with sadness with ARQ’s uncertain future now that it is up for sale. His advice is something we should all take to heart - cherish these moments and spaces and most of all, surrender your body to the music.

Read the full article "Dance like no-one’s watching? I have better advice" on The Sydney Morning Herald.